2017: The Year We Take Healthy Back

It’s the end of the year and time to reflect on the past as well as look forward to the future. As we reminisce about the good and bad of the previous year, it is important to take the lessons from the last year and use them for good. Inevitably, on many lists of New Year’s Resolutions will be fitness, weight loss and better nutrition goals. The New Year always starts off with great intentions, laced up sneakers and a fridge stocked with fruits and vegetables. As the weeks go on and the excitement winds down, oftentimes those resolutions are already a thing of the past. But what if this year could be different? What if we could actually reach those goals and be healthier than ever before?

So, what are the keys to successfully reaching your 2017 goals? There’s really no magic formula or quick fixes, and the truth is, there will be some serious commitment involved. First, don’t take on every goal all at once. Trying to overhaul an entire diet and lifestyle all at once is overwhelming. Choose one simple change at a time and work on that for 30 days to fully incorporate it into your life. The core four changes that I recommend to begin your journey are: Eat more whole foods, drink more water, sleep more/stress less, and get more exercise.  To increase your chances of success, join an accountability group.

Second, and probably one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and well-being is to schedule “me time”. Whether it is a 10 minute power nap, quiet time to read your Bible or favorite book or simply taking a walk, those stolen moments can relieve stress, increase happy hormones and bring peace into your life. Truth be told, it is that sense of peace that can do you the most good. We are better able to care for others if we first care for ourselves.  After all, you cannot fill another’s cup if yours is empty. It’s OK to put yourself first sometimes, so go ahead and be selfish!

Last, be gentle with yourself. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing journey.  It’s not the end of the world if you ate a cupcake 3 days in a row or missed a week of workouts. Recognize that it is already in the past and move on. You don’t have to wait until Monday or even the next morning to get back on track. Decide immediately that you aren’t going to allow that misstep to define you or your journey. Remember, three steps forward and two steps back is still forward progress.

If you are interested in joining a One Simple Change accountability group or being a part of our Healthy Living Revolution, contact me! Remember, “Your health is my business.”

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