Out with the Old in with the New

March celebrates National Nutrition Month and it is the perfect time to revamp our eating habits. The months of November through February have us indulging in larger meals, sweet treats and simple carbohydrates that can wreak havoc on our health. Each month has a special holiday with all of the special holiday traditions that come along with them.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve/Day and...
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Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle of Health

What does health mean to you? Does it simply mean the absence of illness, or is it something more? To me health encompasses many facets that work together to create a feeling of physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. It’s like taking pieces of a puzzle that alone have meaning, but together paint a full picture.  Each piece is crucial and when one piece is lost, you’re losing out on the...
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Healthy for the Holidays

Holidays bring feelings of nostalgia, hope and love. We fill our days with family, laughter and….food. Holidays, with the endless string of parties, pastries and pressure to accept every invitation have the ability to negatively affect our health. We have heard that carrying extra weight around our middle increases our risk of heart disease. Did you also know that many heart attacks occur after...
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Family Fitness

We live in a fast-paced world filled with appointments and obligations. Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, work from home parent, or you work outside of the home, we all have busy lives focused on providing the best life for our families. In the mix of all the busyness, it is easy to skip out on a regular fitness routine due to exhaustion and “lack of time”.  As easy as it is to fall prey to...
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Diet vs Lifestyle

Every day we hear our friends and family members talk about going on a “diet”. The desire to shed unwanted pounds can lead to people doing some crazy things. Ever heard of the cabbage soup diet? The baby food diet? I think most of us have fallen prey to some of the crazy fad diets and/or diet pills during our life. While “diets” can help lose weight in the short term,...
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